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Dragon King

War Horse Katana

War Horse Katana

Regular price $485.00 USD
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The earth trembles and the air thunders as thousands of hoofs strike the ground over the horizon.  The tranquility of the emerald sea nor of the clear blue sky shield you from the destruction galloping toward you as battle nears.  Much like the War Horse Katana,  the beautiful colors of the emerald tsuka over white same (ray skin) belie the deadly sharp steel blade nestled in the deep blue saya.  The forged 1566 steel blade features true clay-tempering that produces a distinctive hamon (temper line).  The traditional polish brings out the real hamon and a mirror shinogi-ji (flat section).  The HRC 60 edge and HRC 40 back are ideal for cutting if you wish to try this pony in the field.  The blackened tsuba features two rider-less horses chasing each other in the endless human condition of warfare.  The silver menuki represent the Tokugawa and Oda clans whereas the fuchi and kashira feature the Takeda and Mori clan symbols.  Truly a tragically beautiful katana built for war.

Overall: 40 1/2"
Blade Length: 28"
Handle Length: 11 1/2"
Weight: 2lb 7.5oz
Width at Guard: 30.3mm
Width at Tip: 21.5mm
Thickness at Guard: 8.1mm
Thickness at Tip: 4.5mm
Sori: 1/2"
Blade Steel: 1566
Hrc Edge: 60
Hrc Back: 40

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